The Cactus Blog

When One Cactus is More Than One Cactus

When One Cactus is More Than One Cactus

Did you know that you can stick two cactuses together and those cactuses will live together in harmony? It's called grafting!

When One Cactus is More Than One Cactus

Did you know that you can stick two cactuses together and those cactuses will live together in harmony? It's called grafting!

Heat Ravages Mighty Saguaro Cactuses in Arizona This Summer

Heat Ravages Mighty Saguaro Cactuses in Arizona...

Saguaros are some of the most magnificent cactuses on the planet, growing anywhere from 40 to 60 feet tall when they mature, which takes several decades. A recently hydrated sagauro...

Heat Ravages Mighty Saguaro Cactuses in Arizona...

Saguaros are some of the most magnificent cactuses on the planet, growing anywhere from 40 to 60 feet tall when they mature, which takes several decades. A recently hydrated sagauro...